Northwest Prevention Science - Proven tools and telehealth solutions for behavioral and mental health professionals, schools, and organizations that support at risk youth and families

For Parents…

To request the Family Check-Up® program in your community, contact your preferred provider and we will train them. Qualified providers may be employed in your local schools, clinics, or counseling practices.


Simple, Practical

The Family Check-Up® is a strengths-based intervention that offers parents simple, practical parenting skills and can be tailored to the specific strengths and challenges of each family.


Developed during 30 years of research with thousands of families from diverse economic and cultural groups, the Family Check-Up® helps families make important changes in how they interact with each other to prevent child and adolescent behavior problems.

Learn Your Family’s Strengths

Parents who participate in the Family Check-Up® complete an assessment and receive feedback to help identify strengths and areas for improvement in parenting.

Strengthen Positive Parenting Skills

Parents who participate in Everyday Parenting© sessions learn how to strengthen parenting skills they want to focus on and promote positive child development.

What other parents are saying

“The information was so helpful. I was able to use it right away. I learned to ask [my child] for one thing at a time and to praise her after she did it. And it works. It has made such a difference.”

“I have noticed I am more conscious of my parenting day to day, and it’s brought [positive and proactive parenting strategies] to the forefront of my mind and I’ve been able to put these skills into action. I wasn’t expecting that, but its actually made a big difference.”

“I-statements were so helpful. I've used them with my toddler and my teenager.”

“The [proactive parenting] strategy of reviewing expectations for behavior with my child before going into the grocery store was very helpful; I tried it right away.”

“If you don't have good routines, life is a lot harder. Getting our nighttime routine in a good place has helped us all so much!”

“Praise feels good. When I hear [my coach] praising me, I am reminded how it might feel for my kids to be noticed and praised for their efforts.”

Videos - Just for Parents

An Evidence-Based Ecological Assessment To Learn Your Family’s Strengths

Parents who participate in the Family Check-Up® complete an assessment and receive feedback to help identify strengths and areas for improvement in parenting.


“The Family Check-Up taught me to be more of a listener, be more understanding.”


Everyday Parenting© Curriculum Strengthens Positive Parenting Skills

Parents can participate in Everyday Parenting© sessions to learn how to strengthen parenting skills that promote positive child development. Learn more about these skills.


“The relationship that developed between myself and the counselor... that was really key.”


Learn more about Family Check-Up® Training

If you are a provider interested in training, please contact us.


“I know the Family Check-Up is working for me and my family because of the changes.”